Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Unknown Numbers

Unknown Numbers

Today we went began going over unknown numbers once again and in more detail.

An unknown number is like(21÷n=3) (5 x H=10) (R÷8=2) (9x6=k)

We are teaching them to know whether or not they need to multiply or divide by looking at what numbers they have.

If they have the dividend(the 21 in the example above) or the product (the 10 in the above example), then they have to divide. (21÷3=n) (10÷5=H)

If they have divisor (the 8) and the quotient (the 2), or both factors (the 9 and 6) then they would multiply to find the answer. (8x2=R) (9x6=k)

On my each of my walls I have added two artifacts for them to look out throughout the lesson. These look like the following:





21 ÷    3 =   7
^                  ^            ^
Dividend           Divisor       Quotient

3 x   7 = 21
^            ^          ^
Factor         Factor      Product

If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas, please feel free to email me or leave a friendly comment below! Thank you for viewing!

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