Thursday, October 20, 2016

Skeletal System


This system makes up the shape and form of our bodies.

The system is made up of our:

  • Bones
  • Cartilage
  • Joints
  • Tendons

At birth, our skeleton is made up of 300 bones. When we become adults, our skeleton is made up of only 206 bones. 

Bones are helpful because:
  • They support us
  • They help us move
  • They protect us

When bones break, they grow back on their own, and heal themselves.

Calcium (as in milk) is good for our bones and makes them strong. 

Bones are held in place by joints.


The skeletal system has several purposes.  A few of these are to:
  • Support our bodies
  • Help us move
  • Protect our organs
  • Produce blood cells

Without the skeletal system we would be nothing but puddles!


Joints are where bones meet. They allow us to move and help us grow. There are many types of joints, some including:
  • Ball-and-socket
  • Hinged Joint
  • Fixed Joint


Cartilage is soft tissue that cushions the end of your bones. Cartilage is at the tip of your nose and in your ears.


Tendons are what keep everything together. They attach our muscles to our bones.


These are the notes on the skeletal system. We will be having a test on this and the muscular system next week! A quick reminder that we have a test on the properties of multiplication tomorrow. See the previous post for the notes on that!

Thank you for visiting!

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