Friday, October 14, 2016

The Nervous System

Here are the notes for the Nervous System! Remember we have a test on this and the digestive system on Wednesday the 19th!

The Nervous System - The system of nerve cells and fibers that send signals between parts of the body.

  • This is where all information is processed and responses are formed. Basically, the brain gets an email then writes and sends a reply.
The Spinal Column
  • This is where the central nerves are located.
Peripheral Nerves
  • These are what get the information from the world around us and send them to the brain as nerve impulses. The brain will then send back a response for the nerves to share with the muscles in order to make them move.
Within the nervous system there is the autonomic system. This is various organ systems that function without you having to think about it.

Examples of this are your heart beating and breathing. You don't have to think "breath in" and "breath out" in order for it to happen.

Thank you for visiting! If you have an ideas, questions, or concerns please feel free to send an email or leave a friendly comment below!

Have a wonderful weekend!!

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