Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Digestive System

Digestive System

Today we started our unit on organ systems. We are starting with the digestive system and will be talking about it for a few days. They will have a short test on this and the nervous system next week.  

The digestive system notes are as follows, and only the highlighted portions have/had to be written:
Organ System- multiple organs working together to perform a particular task or set of tasks

Digestive System- the organ system that is used to break down food into energy

There are many parts to the digestive system, but we are going to focus on the five main ones.
A. Mouth   B. Esophagus   C. Stomach   D. Large Intestine   E. Small Intestine

Mouth- this is where food is first introduced to the digestive system and saliva (spit) begins to break down the food as it is chewed.

Esophagus- also called the throat; muscles push food down the esophagus to the stomach

Stomach- muscles cause the walls of the stomach to move and further mash up the food while digestive juices break the food down as much as it can

Small Intestine- food travels through this tube that is 20 feet long, and continues to be broken down into smaller and smaller pieces. Then it is stopped and all the nutrients are absorbed and sent into the body

Large Intestine- finally food is moved into the five foot long tube where most remaining water is removed from the food; once it reaches the end of the tube, the food is expelled from the body as waste

The digestive system takes care of all of the food and drinks that we consume, and makes sure that we get all the good nutrients from the food.

These nutrients are what give us the energy to do fun things and keep us healthy, so it is important to take care of our digestive system!

Drinking plenty of water and eating healthy are just a couple of ways that we can help our digestive system do its job!
If you have any questions, concerns, ideas, feel free to email me or leave a friendly comment below! 

Thanks for visiting!

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