Monday, March 20, 2017

The Moon

The Phases of the Moon

  • Phases- the different shapes the moon seems to have in the sky
  • It takes about 1 month for the moon to revolve around Earth and to rotate once, so the same side of the moon is always facing Earth.
Moon Phases in Order
  1. New Moon- you can't see the moon because the Sun is shining on the other side
  2. Waxing Crescent: very small part of the right side is lit
  3. First Quarter: the right half of the lighted side can be seen
  4. Waxing Gibbous: all but a little bit of the left side can be seen
  5. Full Moon: The entire lighted side can be seen
  6. Waning Gibbous: all but a little bit of the right side can be seen
  7. Third (Last) Quarter: the left half of the lighted side can be seen
  8. Waning Crescent: very small part of the left side is lit

Waxing Phases are getting MORE light (Wax on)
Waning Phases are LOSING light  (Waning off)

There are times where the Earth and the Moon may cast shadows on each other and these are called eclipses.
Lunar Eclipse: happens when Earth’s shadow falls on the moon; the moon appears red during a full lunar eclipse.
Solar Eclipse: happens when the moon’s shadow falls on Earth; this hides some to almost all of the sun from view
Moon Project: 
  1. Create a poster of the 8 (eight) moon phases.
  2. Label each phase.
  3. Title your poster.
  4. Be creative while creating the poster.
  5. Write 3 (three) facts about the moon and the moon phases.
This project is due on Friday, March 24, 2017.

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