Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Mass and Weight

Weight and Weight

  • Mass - the amount of matter in an object
  • Weight - the downward force of gravity on an object
  • Balance - a tool used to compare two masses
Mass vs. Weight:
   If an object has more mass then it will have more weight.
   This is why a marble made of wood would float, but a marble made of glass would sink despite the fact that they are the same size.

Total Weight:
    When you have an object made of multiple parts, the weight of the object will depend upon the individual weights of each part.
    If you have one part that weighs 3 pounds, one that weighs 2 pounds, and one that weighs 1 pound, how much would the object weigh?
    If we were to put it together in a different way, would the weight change?

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