Monday, November 7, 2016


What is a microorganism?


“micro” means extremely small

“organism” means a living thing
So! This tells us that a microorganism is an “extremely small living thing.”

There are actually different kinds of germs.

Germs are bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that cause diseases

The two main types of germs are bacteria and viruses.

Bacteria are unicellular organisms that can live by themselves or as parasites

Viruses are the main component of most human diseases.

There is actually a big debate between scientists about whether viruses are “alive” or not.

This is a Tardigrade or Water Bear. It is a micro-animal that was discovered in 1773! This picture was made using an electron microscope! That is a very awesome microscope that basically shoots tiny electrons at the thing it is looking at and uses special lenses to help you see it!

They are considered the most resilient animal because they live in places that would instantly kill other animals, including OUTER SPACE! HOW CRAZY IS THAT?

There are actually microorganisms used to make a lot of foods!

A bacterium called Acetobacter tropicalis is found in chocolate.

A bacterium called Lactobacillus acidophilus is found in yogurt.

Those are just some examples. There are THOUSANDS more.

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