Monday, April 24, 2017

Geometry (Shapes)

Point--an exact location in space    

Line segment-- has a beginning point and an ending point

When you connect points together, you create a line segment.

Points need to be named in order to know which points to connect.

Line segments are named according to the points.

Line segments can be names forwards or backwards.

Ray-- has a beginning point but no ending point

 A ray keeps going through all the other points.

A ray is names by the beginning point and the point that it goes through.

 A ray can only be named forwards.

Line--continues in both directions into infinity

A line can be named both forwards and backwards.

Parallel lines--lines that are side by side, but never touch

Parallel lines have the same slope (same distance apart).

An angle is formed when rays, lines, and line segments intersect.

3 Kinds of Angles:

Right Angles 
(square angle or 90 degree angle)

Obtuse Angle 
(more than 90 degrees)

Acute Angle
(less than 90 degrees)

Lines are perpendicular if they intersect at exactly 90 degrees.


Hello all!

This week we are learning about fossils! We are reading five articles and answering the questions that go with them. When all the articles are completed and the final assessment is finished the articles get to go home so that the whole family can learn all about fossils!

Want to get a leg up on the Fossil Vocabulary Words?! Well here's the list! We'll be reading all about these soon!

  • extinct - no longer found alive
  • fossil - the preserved remains of plants or animals that lived long ago
  • organisms - living things such as plants and animals
  • paleontologist - a scientist who studies fossils and organisms that lived long ago
  • imprint - a mark on a surface such as mud or rock
  • decay - to rot or decompose
  • sedimentary rock - rock formed by sediment deposits; usually forms in layers
  • preserved - in its original condition
  • amber - a hard orange-yellow substance formed from tree sap
  • climate - weather conditions in an area over a long period of time
  • ferns - flowerless plants found in tropical regions
  • carnivore - an animal that eats other animals
  • herbivore - an animal that eats plants
  • ecosystem - all of the living and nonliving things that interact in an area